A Safe use of the Internet – Workshop for teachers

Pedagogical Kit for Teachers

Kit 1 – A Safe use of the Internet and Video


Topic - A Safe use of the Internet and Video


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To promote reflection upon the safe use of the Internet in an educational context, a training course was held for about 70 teachers (mostly from our school cluster). The theme was "Safe Internet Browsing: a pedagogical approach to content and technology." It was a 25 hour course and involved different methodologies of work: theoretical sessions promoted by invited experts, time for discussion and clarification of concepts between trainees and instructors, group work, etc. The trainees had moments of autonomous work (to produce materials). The final challenge was to produce a video with a maximum of 5 minutes that explored the topic of Internet safety. This video could be targeted to students (of all ages), teachers / educators, parents, the senior community or anyone in general.



The PLAYWEB team organized this course considering the following steps:

• STEP 1 - Designing a training plan for accreditation by the Scientific Council for Continuing Education (institution which validates the training of public school teachers in Portugal);

• STEP 2 - Establishment of a partnership with the official Almada Teachers Training Centre so that the course could be included in the CV of teachers who attend;

• STEP 3 - Publicising the plan of action and receiving application forms;

• STEP 4 - Calling experts in different areas to enrich the content of the sessions and to provide learners with a variety of perspectives. Experts in the educational use of ICT, Internet security (procedures) and also in video editing were present;

• STEP 5 - Creation of a database of resources (videos and other tools) available on the Moodle platform for all teachers to use;

• STEP 6 - Monitoring the activity of online learners through the promotion of small activities shared by all.



25 hour training course held in sessions organized as follows:


SESSION 1 - 3 hours


- Explaining the action and participating in a video show in May 2014

- Presentation of the assessment criteria of the course

- Reflection upon the theme - "Internet Safety / Concepts of digital literacy"


SESSION 2 - 3 hours


- Reflection upon the theme - Didactic Use of Educational tools: what does it mean "Learning with Technology?"


SESSION 3 - 3 hours


- Using ICT tools through Web 2.0 for the building of a pedagogical product.

SESSION 4 - 3 hours


- Conclusion of materials started in sessions 2 and 3.


SESSION 5 - 3 hours


- Presentation of the works and debate on their pedagogical pertinence;

- Filming techniques;

- Equipment, languages ​​and ways of producing and recording video;

- The video equipment: camcorders, mobile phones and cameras, and specific forms of use;

- Plans and camera movements;

- Lighting;

- Exercises pickup (from a view).


SESSION 6 - 3 hours


- The issue:

a. How to edit the movies recorded on computer

b. Introduction to language editing

c. The structuring of the scenes

d. Different editing software

e. The practical use of the programs.


SESSION 7 - 3 hours


- Presentation, analysis and critical debate on the materials produced;

- Evaluation.


Upon completion of the action:

Participation in a School Video Show (10th to 18th May 2014) - open to all schools but also to the community of Almada (includes moments of viewing and discussion of videos produced by teachers in the training course), in partnership with the Almada Teacher Training Center (ALMADAFORMA) and the Municipality of Almada.



- Reflect upon the importance of safety procedures associated with the Internet.

- Acquire skills related to the subject in terms of its spread within the educational community in particular, but also the community at large.

- Share resources, educational experiences and good practices with so as to spread them among students.

- Understand the importance of media education in schools.

- Acquire notions of sociology of image and pedagogy of image.

- Develop the ability to use and profit from the power of the media.

- Illustrate the possibilities of approach to thematic development.

- Develop skills in the educational use of digital imaging.




This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.